Originating from the renowned burger scholar, George Motz, the Oklahoma Onion Burger stands out for its simplicity amidst a world of elaborate toppings and sauces. Made with a steamed bun, crispy smashed patty, charred sweet onions, and perfectly melted cheese, this burger is a testament to the beauty of minimalism. Given the quick cook time and attention to detail required, it's best to prepare one or two burgers at a time on the Gravity Series 800.
Preheat griddle to 400°F or medium/high heat.
Slice the sweet onion as thinly as possible, using a mandoline or deli slicer.
Separate the ground beef into 4 portions of 3 ounces each and form into balls.
Place the meat balls on the griddle and let them cook for about 30 seconds without touching them.
After 30 seconds, flip the balls over and season generously with seasoned salt.
Top each one with a large handful of the sliced sweet onions and immediately smash down the balls into thin patties. Let the burgers cook for a few minutes until you start to see juices coming up through the meat.
Using a spatula, scrape underneath the burgers to remove the crust from the griddle and flip them.
Top each one with a slice of American cheese.
On top of the cheese, place the top half of a potato bun, followed by the bottom half.
After another minute or two, the burgers should be fully cooked through. Pick up the whole pile with your spatula, remove the bottom bun (which should be on top), place it underneath, pinch the top and bottom bun, and pull out the spatula to assemble each sandwich.